MEQ® Wellbeing
The Wellbeing Programme deepens participants' understanding and awareness of diet, sleep and addiction to help re-learn, re-respect and re-embrace what the mind-body actually likes, wants and what it sees as 'nourishment'.

Learn the neuroscience and history behind mindfulness and emotional intelligence, experience three mindful practices designed to efficiently build confidence in the technique and discover how to fit your preferred practice into your daily routine

Learn the current scientific theories on cortisol, its immediate effects on the body and its role in stress related illness & cognitive neuroscience. Participants trial the specific technique that enables them to break the 'stress reaction cycle’ under any circumstances

Use the principles of mindful internal and external listening to completely change the way you communicate. Compassionately analyse body language to bring a more considered understanding to any situation

Concentrate on your mind's inherent connection with your body to 'relearn' what foods you actually genuinely like and actually do not like. The results of this workshop can be profoundly revealing and life changing. Most diets attempt to remove items of food from the menu. The mindful way to improve your diet is to eat!

Sleep uses a wide range of tools to improve sleep but more deeply than this it addresses the physiological and mental concepts behind sleep. Part myth busting, part presence and part guidance Sleep gives back your confidence in your body's ability to regulate, allowing you to let go, observe and make small modifications to promote the best night's sleep

Unlock old patterns of behaviour and learn how to appreciate how the addictive mind works. Whether you're addicted to nicotine, pain killers, sugar, gluten, dairy, self medicating with alcohol or simply staying up too late (sleep deprivation); the mindful and emotionally intelligent approach to the way your body functions, responds and feeds back into itself is a revolutionary way to be free of that which does not nurture you