MBSR™ (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) courses for those who require a deeper and more committed approach to the daily application of mindfulness and emotional intelligence.

The orientation session introduces you to mindfulness, gives you a general view of the MBSR™ programme and details the time commitment required. We also engage in a short practice and hold interviews to ascertain eligibility.

Class One
As long as you are breathing there is more right with you than wrong with you. No matter what challenges you are facing their difficulties can be worked with. Begin your eight week course by embedding a 45min mindfulness practice known as the Body Scan into your daily routine.

Class Two
Class Two highlights perception and response. How you 'view' things largely determines how you respond to them. Reframing your connection to stress reactivity and enhancing your ability to recover from acute stress positively influences long and short term health effects.

Class Three
Class Three discusses the pleasure and power in being present. Using a longer experience of formal movement and sitting practice, you are invited to attend to and investigate more deeply the way things are in the body and mind in the present moment.

Class Four
By practising mindfulness we cultivate curiosity and openness to the full range of our oftentimes over-conditioned experience. Through this process, we cultivate the ability to step out of automatic habitual stress reactivity and find new ways to relate to internal and external stressful moments and events.

Class Five
Investigate the ways we cope with adverse situations by using escape and denial and by naming the shadow side of conditioned coping patterns: substance dependency and numbing & suppression of feelings. Step away from these hitherto 'successful' coping mechanisms and into a more evolutionary taxis instead.

Class Six
How to deal with stressful communications, knowing your feelings, expressing them accurately, developing a greater awareness of interpersonal communication patterns and the barriers to developing this awareness. Interpersonal mindfulness: staying aware and balanced in relationships, especially under conditions of acute or chronic stress.

All Day Class
Cultivate a sense of presence from moment to moment, and be open to any experience whether evaluated as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral as an opportunity to practice mindful attention. Participants re-meet themselves in this highly introspective day-long session of formal movement and sitting practices.

Class Seven
Integrate mindful practice more fully and personally into your daily life by choosing and defining your own formal practices and routines. Participants are asked to personally reflect on lifestyle choices that are adaptive and self nourishing as well as those that are not.

Class Eight
Keep up the momentum and discipline developed over the previous nine weeks. Review supportive and integrative books, recordings, graduate programmes, free all day sessions and retreat centres for further development and discovery. Clarify any lingering questions about the practices and their applications in real life.

AJ Bicât is qualified to certify participants on completion of the eight week MBSR programme by the Centre for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.
1 Orientation Class* + 8 Weekly Classes + 1 All Day Class†
Chats Palace
42-44 Brooksby's Walk
London E9 6DF
* Orientation Class free of charge
† All Day Class 1000-1700 on the Saturday between class six and class seven