Coaching is a key module when it comes to rolling out MEQ® to all parts of an organisation. Participants learn how to quickly bring the principles and explain the benefits of MEQ® to a team or individual members and how to lead practice in two key scenarios

Public Speaking
Public Speaking - like many MEQ® modules - turns the traditional method of inspiring confidence on its head. After all who is watching whom during a public speech? Participants relearn the meaning behind the feeling they experience while delivering a talk or speech. It also helps students understand their core self's role in relation to the information they are delivering

Customer Interfacing
Customer Interfacing shows how the interaction between a team member and a customer in balance can actually be a replenishing experience in even the most extreme circumstances. The rapid establishment of personality, boundaries and genuine compassion are key aspects as well as the ability to think mindfully from the perspective of the customer

Conflcit Resolution (Office Politics)
Conflict Resolution is an essential module for those who have reached a point in team or any communication where there seems to be no progression. Drawing on aspects of empathy, fearlessness and dance (yes dance) this module brings MEQ® to a key area of business