MEQ® Bespoke
After taking the the Core Programme (The Journey, Resilience and Communications) you can choose any combination of modules in any order.
Have a look at the framework, module structure and step by step process below then when you are ready look at the module descriptions, highlight your choices and we will be in touch to discuss your programme.
All modules run at up to 120 minutes.
Before commencing the programme a 'Group Leader' and 'Group Deputy' are assigned and an orientation email & questionnaire is sent to all participants.
Once the questionnaire is completed by all participants the programme begins.
Short (non-time-impacting) home practice is initiated in the first The Journey module and encouraged using a WhatsApp Group managed by the Group Leader and Deputy and supported by AJ Bicât.
You can choose as many modules or off-the-peg programmes as you like, but the three Core Modules: The Journey, Resilience and Communications; must be delivered weekly and first.
Module Structure
Each module contains three Practices (one new Practice and two Core Practices).
Modules then work on the basis of Discussion and Exercises.
Exercises can be anything from role play or group work to dyads.
Each module gives one or more specific business-applied 'Tools'. 'Tools' are simple short Practices with specifically targeted business scenarios or outcomes.
Step by Step
For a full step by step explanation please click here.
Step One - Initiation (You)
Group formed
Group leader and deputy nominated
WhatsApp Group formed
Group participant details supplied to AJ Bicât
Step Two - Delivery (Us)
Orientation email and 'informal contract'
'Before' Questionnaire
Modules begin
Modules end
'After' Questionnaire
Step Three - Completion (Us)
Individual and group 'Before' and 'After' results
Complete Module List
Learn the neuroscience and history behind mindfulness and emotional intelligence, experience three mindful practices designed to efficiently build confidence in the technique and discover how to fit your preferred practice into your daily routine
Learn the current scientific theories on cortisol, its immediate effects on the body and its role in stress related illness & cognitive neuroscience. Participants trial the specific technique that enables them to break the 'stress reaction cycle’ under any circumstances
Use the principles of mindful internal and external listening to completely change the way you communicate. Compassionately analyse body language to bring a more considered understanding to any situation
Energetic self awareness, new ways of working and implementing the best aspects of mono tasking combine for greater focus and efficiency. Create indispensable tools to tackle hard to start tasks of difficult scenarios
Regain control of the highly useful digital devices that all too often suffocate us. View your virtual world from the perspective of a strong and grounded non-virtual life thus harnessing your tech to enhance your world.
An in-depth look at the nature of time and how it is 'made' and 'lost'. This module equips participants with a fresh view of 'task loss' and shows how to view tasks in relation to achievement
Use the core understanding of yourself and the rediscovery of the qualities you possess to bring unique personality and conviction to your leadership
Rediscover and re-embrace your organisation from the perspective of ethos, strategy and flux. Claim the common ground between your personal and your professional journeys to allow a more harmonious, mutually beneficial and delineated work-life balance
Natural 'hands on' compassionate management of a team that completely re-imagines Team Dynamics using the principles of MEQ®
Concentrate on your mind's inherent connection with your body to 'relearn' what foods you actually genuinely like and actually do not like. The results of this workshop can be profoundly revealing and life changing. Most diets attempt to remove items of food from the menu. The mindful way to improve your diet is to eat!
Sleep uses a wide range of tools to improve sleep but more deeply than this it addresses the physiological and mental concepts behind sleep. Part myth busting, part presence and part guidance Sleep gives back your confidence in your body's ability to regulate, allowing you to let go, observe and make small modifications to promote the best night's sleep
Unlock old patterns of behaviour and learn how to appreciate how the addictive mind works. Whether you're addicted to nicotine, pain killers, sugar, gluten, dairy, self medicating with alcohol or simply staying up too late (sleep deprivation); the MEQ® approach to the way your body functions, responds and feeds back into itself is a revolutionary way to be free of that which does not nurture you