AJ Bicât


AJ Bicât - CFM Qualified MBSR™ Facilitator

AJ Bicât is one of the world's top corporate MEQ® instructors. He has taught in hundreds of organisations including Penguin, M&C Saatchi, Mind Candy, The Department for Work and Pensions and Cisco.

AJ grew up traveling extensively and studying tribal and religious philosophy and psychology in Nepal, Tibet, Australia, Russia and North America.

He then built a 20-year career in education, film & TV working for Artburst, the London College of Contemporary Arts, Buena Vista International, BBC TV, Paramount and Channel 4 as teacher, lecturer, actor, producer, director and writer.

On returning to live in the UK he became a Center for Mindfulness Qualified MBSR™ Facilitator under the tutelage of Jon Kabat-Zinn's University of Massachusetts Medical School’s Oasis Centre for Mindfulness.

AJ Bicât is registered in the UK as an MBSR facilitator who meets the Mindfulness Network's good practice guidelines.

I was surprised at how soon I felt relaxed and switched off from distractions. AJ Bicât delivered the session in a way that I felt engaged and connected with his words. I went back to work feeling calm, relaxed and in control
— Lisa Jackson - Credit Controller, Penguin Random House